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Today we are reminded of an old story about taxpayers seeking haven. It comes from Saint Luke the Apostle, with a wish for a very Merry Christmas. Taxpayers Seek Haven on Christmas December 25, 2017 by Bob Bauman Global Economy Today we are reminded of an old story about taxpayers seeking haven. It comes from Saint Luke the Apostle, with a wish for a very Merry Christmas from all of us at The Sovereign Society.
Despite a 6-year decline in the price of platinum, it wouldn’t surprise me to see platinum prices rise 25% next year. Here's why it will happen. My Prediction for 2018 — This Forgotten Metal Will Soar December 22, 2017 by Matt Badiali Precious Metals There is a formula for rising prices — demand must exceed supply. And in 2018, a different metal’s price will begin its rise.
Digital reality, which includes augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), is set to grow to a $162 billion market by 2020, according to IDC. Augmented Reality Will Be Part of Our Daily Lives December 21, 2017 by Ian Dyer Investment Opportunities Augmented reality has taken the tech market by storm, and it’s only just starting. There are hundreds of apps and features in existence or development.
What the Year of the Dog holds for us depends in large part on what each of us chooses. We will do our best to help you choose personal freedom. Former Congressman’s Thoughts on the Year Ahead December 19, 2017 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics Many investors and bankers act as though there is no day of reckoning, while American politicians cut taxes when the national debt nears $21 trillion.
If you’re looking for the best place to invest in 2018, one of your best bets is to bet on “M&As” — mergers and acquisitions. Here’s Where to Look for 2018 Profits December 19, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities If you’re looking for the best place to invest in 2018, one of your best bets is to put on your investment banker’s hat and bet on mergers and acquisitions.

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