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Europe What Wall Street Is Missing - Spain Europe: What Wall Street Is Missing
by Jeff Opdyke May 4, 2016 Global Economy
As the second largest member of the PIIGS pack, Spain was much reviled. But the country has rebounded despite anti-austerity bloviating. So much for Keynesian doomsaying …
Critical Life Lessons to Avoid Getting Conned - banks Critical Life Lessons to Avoid Getting Conned Life teaches critical lessons. Some you learn quickly, others, like dealing with banks, can be quite painful. Here are 7 tips to help you get started protecting your family and your wealth.
The Housing Sector Is Waving Red Flags Red Flags To Look for When Investing in The Housing Market
by Chad Shoop April 29, 2016 Real Estate
Leading indicators for the housing sector are raising warning flags, but you can use these forward-looking data to make one simple trade to take advantage of the situation.
pension America’s Pension Problem The government has a growing problem with its pension plans that will comes to an explosive head very soon. And no one will like the answer to the problem.
The Market's Mirage of Higher Wages The Market’s Mirage of Higher Wages
by Jeff Yastine April 26, 2016 U.S. Economy
Profits have been falling for some time, and yet wages are rising across the U.S. The situation is untenable, and Wall Street is eventually going to see through this mirage.

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