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Latest Insights on DIS

Here’s How This Peak Velocity System Doubles the S&P 500 Peak Velocity provided an average annual return of 22.8%. That’s almost twice the gains of the S&P 500. More important, Peak Velocity decreased risk.
Why Buffett, Dalio Et Al Are Holding Cash and Other Safe Havens
by Ted Bauman July 30, 2018 Investing
What are the best investors doing right now … the smartest of smart money? The answer will shock you … and chances are, it’s not what you’re doing.
Four Stock Market Sectors to Be Cautious About – Chad Shoop
by Chad Shoop July 30, 2018 Investing
I have written recently on how bullish I am on the stock market. But right now, there are four sectors that you don’t want to touch for several weeks.
This Left-for-Dead Sector Is About to Surge
by Matt Badiali July 27, 2018 Investing
Right now, these companies are becoming more valuable and less expensive. Today the market doesn’t care, but it will soon.
Low Unemployment Rates Equals Recession
by John Ross July 26, 2018 Economy
Only three other times in the last 65 years has U.S. unemployment been as low as it is today. It tells me a recession is coming. Probably within a year.

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