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Investor FOMO vs. Intelligent Investing January 25, 2021 by Lina Lee American Investor Today, Investing, News (5-minute read) Investors bought millions of shares of the wrong stock. They were in a frenzy about an app and pushed up a company with a similar name. This isn’t the first time this has happened, but it’s never a good sign…
Bernie inauguration reader feedback meme Great Stuff Picks: Plug, Roku and CrowdStrike up Over 300%! January 21, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Get Down With Portfolio Town Hey Great Ones, are you ready for me? Yeah, it’s your good trading buddy down in Kentucky. I’m just out of Cincy, and I’m bound for home with the radio blasting and the bird dog on. (Feeling a little Steve Earle today. Getting my outlaw country on.) Anyway … it’s […]
GM teams up with Microsoft to Cruise over the competition. Will Tesla be trampled underfoot, or does GM still have two left feet? GM’s Cruise Control, Moneybags Sachs and the Wrong Virgin January 19, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Trampled Under Foot Trouble-free transmission. Don’t let that oil flow. Got no need to pump your gas; GM will do it all. Talk about EVs. Talk about EVs. Talk about… I don’t know too many people who actually know the lyrics to “Trampled Under Foot” by Led Zeppelin, but … there you go. Today’s development […]
EV companies are popping up like weeds, and you don’t have to be Nute Gunray to know that this is getting out of hand. Crazy EV Train; High on Hydrogen; Intel’s Swan Song January 13, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Attack of the EV Clones I’ve come to a conclusion, Great Ones. I initially sat down to tell you about the latest in Apple’s (Nasdaq: ) electric vehicle (EV) saga. It seems that — according to the always reliable “people familiar with the matter” — the iCompany talked with Canoo (Nasdaq: ) about producing an […]
The Pandemic Shift to Telemedicine: 2 ETFs to Buy for Profits January 11, 2021 by Annie Stevenson American Investor Today, News, Technology (5-minute read) The technology isn’t new … but it’s finally going mainstream. Virtual doctor’s visits, telehealth, remote medicine … it all means the same thing. It’s finally time to have house calls on our smartphones. Here are two ETFs that will benefit.

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