The Real Question for the $63 Billion AbbVie-Allergan AcquisitionJune 25, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffI know my brain doesn’t work quite right. I wouldn’t be writing Great Stuff if it did. Today, I’m left with a burning question on AbbVie’s $63 billion cash and stock acquisition of Allergan. It’s not about the viability of the combined company. Both AbbVie Inc. (NYSE: ABBV) and Allergan PLC (NYSE: AGN) face serious […]
This Biotech Billionaire Loves This Risky StockApril 11, 2018by Brian ChristopherTechnology, TrendingThere is a chance you will lose money if you buy today’s stock. But if you’re willing to take on a little risk, I have an opportunity for you that could be very profitable.
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