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Low Unemployment Points to a Bear Market May 7, 2018 Economy, Trending The last time unemployment hit 3.9% was December 2000. That year, the internet bubble popped. Stocks were nearly 20% below their highs when unemployment bottomed.
Get Ready: 4 Bear Market Signals Are Flashing May 5, 2018 Economy, Investment Opportunities, Trading Strategies Things are looking stormy. In fact, a number of bear-market signals have started appearing, which indicates that we might already be in a bear market.
Warren Buffett’s Favorite Indicator Warns of Trouble May 3, 2018 Investing, Trading Strategies Market analysts often ask each other what their "desert island" indicator is. Warren Buffett, the world’s greatest long-term investor, named this as his favorite indicator.
A Legendary Value Guru Is Pouring His Money Into This Stock May 2, 2018 Investing, Investment Opportunities One of the greatest sources I know is the “smart money.” The money managers who generate big returns each year. Lucky for us, we can see how they’re doing it.
How to Know When It’s Safe to Buy Stocks Again May 2, 2018 Investing, Investment Opportunities A bear market officially requires a 20% decline, but the recent market action probably feels like a bear market to many investors.