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Do you have an investing question you would like to ask one of our editors? Take part in our Q&A. Click here to learn more! Take Part in Our Facebook Q&A Event!
by Jeff Yastine September 19, 2017 Social
Do you have an investing question you would like to ask one of our editors? Click here to learn more!
The Hidden Boom Within the Housing Boom
by Matt Badiali September 19, 2017 U.S. Economy
2017 will see the most houses built in the last decade. And within the housing boom, another trend is in place.
Funny. But also very sad.
by Martin Weiss September 18, 2017 Uncategorized
This is a story that’s funny, ironic and very sad; a comedy of errors and a tragedy for all Americans. I’ll tell you exactly what it is in just a moment. First, though, take a good, hard look at this chart … As you can see, this is not a new issue. In fact, the problem started […]
There is an uptrend that’s forming in one of my personal favorite commodities. And the trends line up for a double-digit move in the short term. Make a Quick Buck Off Our Coffee Obsession
by Matt Badiali September 15, 2017 Soft Commodities
There is an uptrend that’s forming in one of my personal favorite commodities. And the trends line up for a double-digit move in the short term.
Homebuilders Now Know How to Squeeze Consumers
by Michael Carr September 14, 2017 Real Estate
As hurricanes approached, gasoline demand increased as supply shrank, and prices rose. But sometimes price gouging is less obvious, as in the case of new homes.

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