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crypto internet outages Crypto Can Eliminate Internet Outages Forever December 15, 2021 by Andrew Prince Cryptocurrency, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Amazon’s historic nine-hour internet outage affected everything from Roombas to online test-taking platforms.
robinhood How We Avoided the $800,000 Robinhood Mistake December 13, 2021 by Charles Mizrahi Education, Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (3-minute read) Investing is a lot of things, but one thing it is not is fun and games…
Lovesace and I'll never leave the house meme main Lovesac’s Lovefest; Roku’s Rabble Rousers; A Stitch Fix In Time… December 8, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Lovesac, Baby! If you see amazing earnings at the side of the road, it means a 9% rally for Loooovesac! Lovesac, yeah yeah! We’re heading down the Wall Street highway, looking for a Lovesac getaway. Heading for a Lovesac (Nasdaq: ) getaway. I got me some earnings — they’re as big as a whale — […]
market moves short-term trading BIG Market Moves Mean BIG Opportunities December 7, 2021 by Steve Fernandez Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily When the market moves this much, day trading has the potential to be lucrative.
Kohl's investors when Engine Capital's math meme No Friend of Kohl’s, Nvidia Sleepy ARM & The SEC’s Lucid Dream December 6, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Only Parts Of The Kohl’s Will Be Removed… I swear, Great Ones, Kohl’s (NYSE: ) must have a giant blinking target on its back. Activist investors are coming for the retailer … again. This time, it’s Engine Capital — a New York-based hedge fund that owns 1% of KSS outstanding stock and, apparently, delusions of […]

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