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This is a spectacular opportunity to take gains, pay no tax on them … and use those gains to make even more money — potentially tax-free. The Little-Known Trick for Tax-Free Gains October 29, 2018 by Ted Bauman Taxes This is a spectacular opportunity to take gains, pay no tax on them … and use those gains to make even more money — potentially tax-free.
The AI Arms Race Begins Now October 20, 2018 by Jay Goldberg Technology A new government report warns of the imminent economic and military dangers — not if — the U.S. falls behind China and Russia in the AI arms race.
The New 5G Kid on the Block October 18, 2018 by Jeff Yastine Investing, Technology Do you want to chase what the crowd is chasing? Or how about focusing on an ignored group of stocks that's selling cheap — with a catalyst to take them sharply higher?
Invest in Google, Apple and AMD With This ETF! October 17, 2018 by Chad Shoop Investment Opportunities, Technology The other week, the tech sector took an absolute beating. Today, you have the opportunity to buy the sector as it’s coming off that volatile week.
Countless people experience irreversible eye damage every year. But the rapidly developing artificial intelligence (AI) industry has the answer… Artificial Intelligence Can Save Your Eyesight October 13, 2018 by Jessica Cohn Technology Countless people experience irreversible eye damage every year. But the rapidly developing artificial intelligence (AI) industry has the answer…

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