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Move over, Tesla! The new king of growth in the electric vehicle (EV) market just hit high gear. And it isn't even all charged up yet... Nio’s Surprise Sedan, CrowdStruck and the Apple of Hyundai’s Eye
by Joseph Hargett January 11, 2021 Great Stuff
High Voltage Move over, Tesla! The new king of growth in the electric vehicle (EV) market just hit high gear. Nio (NYSE: ) put the pedal to the metal — do they even do that in EVs? — and surged roughly 14% on the open this morning. The company is now the No. 2 automaker […]
Who knew you could bottle up a 1,150% gain? Besides options investors, bitcoin buffs and ... bourbon traders? Bounty Hunting: On Bourbon, Options and Bitcoin
by Joseph Hargett January 8, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Bourbon Bounty” Edition Today, Great Ones, we’re talking bourbon and options — two of my favorite things. You knew it had to happen sooner or later… As most of you know, I fancy myself a bit of a bourbon connoisseur. I also started my financial career in the options market. Surprisingly, […]
New Year, New Gains (4-minute read) We’ve closed out our first trade. Now what? It’s important to review our goals for the year. Read more...
Chaos at the Capitol: Why Investors Like You Should Care (Special message from Charles Mizrahi) There’s a silver lining to the chaos this week. Charles Mizrahi sends a special note to our subscribers. Read more…
Looking for the Great Stuff Picks Portfolio? I’ve got yer portfolio right here! Complete with four 200%+ winners … how’d ya like them apples? Plug Powered Profits, Nerves of Steel and a Blockchain Deal
by Joseph Hargett January 7, 2021 Great Stuff
Great Stuff’s House of Gain Plug it up, plug it in … let me begin. I came to win. Battle Great Stuff? That’s a sin. I won’t ever slack up, the market better back up. So, if you came to get down with Great Stuff Reader Feedback … it’s time to get out of your […]

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