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Latest Insights on QCOM

Don’t Make This Mistake With Your Options Trades (4-minute read) We don’t use stop-losses on our options trades. Today, we’re going to show you why. Read more…
Managing Our Qualcomm Call Options (3-minute read) Now that we’ve made a trade in the Weekly Options Corner, how do we manage it? Chad Shoop breaks it down for you today…
[Trade Detail] QCOM Is a Buy (4-minute read) Since last Wednesday, expert Chad Shoop had five new recommendations for readers of his options trading service Quick Hit Profits. The best way to understand his approach is to get real-time practice. So this week, Chad’s walking us through his latest trade in real time.
Ah, Feedback days: Where we answer your questions, let you rant, riff on your insanity and address your concerns about stocks and the market. Reader Roundup: Sensors and Sensibilities
by Joseph Hargett October 8, 2020 Great Stuff
Stairway to Great Stuff Welcome to Reader Feedback day! The day that’s all about you, the Great Stuff reader — the Great One, if you will. Today’s the day when we answer your questions, address your concerns about stocks and the market, let you rant … and generally riff off whatever insanity you send our […]
Holy cats! It was a busy Friday: consumer spending, blocked Huawei, Chinese threats, virus testing, bouncing banks? That’s quite a smorgasbord of market-moving data. Retail Weeps, China Creeps, Bankers Beat and Testing Sleeps
by Joseph Hargett May 15, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: You Down With PPT? Holy cats! It was one busy Friday. I mean, we had a literal smorgasbord of market-moving data … all in one day: Consumer spending set another record in April, plunging 16.4%. President Trump blocked semiconductor shipments to Huawei. China threatened to activate its “unreliable entity list.” Trump questioned […]

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