Consumer Sentiment Crashes, Ulta Splashes & DocuSign FaxesJune 13, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffIt’s Times Like These… Great Ones, I was all ready to come into today like a new day rising … a brand-new sky to hang the stars upon tonight. I figured that after last week’s barrage of bad news and Wall Street’s accompanying sell-off, the markets would even out a bit. After all, most of […]
Microsoft Closes The Console Curtain; Nio’s Future Remains UncertainJune 9, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffMicrosoft’s Cloud City Today, Great Ones, we’re launching headfirst into a great adventure. We’ll start by joining Microsoft (Nasdaq: ), zoning out for an hours-long gaming sesh — hey, it is almost Friday — and generally getting lost in the clouds. Hold up, we gotta talk about that image up there. Is that … Cloud […]
Simmer-Down Sunday: On Chewy, Churros & Corporate CrocksJune 5, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffThe Cost Of Being Chewy Is there any sweeter sound for an investor than “surprise profit?” Umm, how about an extra hour of sleeping in? Or another Monday off? Or the phrase “I just made some churros, want any?” OK, you got me there… If I were a Chewy (NYSE: ) investor, I’d probably take […]
Wall Street Showdown: Fear Vs. GreedJune 4, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffWhat’s The Deal With The VIX? I felt the VIX rise up on me, kneel down and clear the market leaves. My gains drop out where you can’t see. Wall Street, shall I wait and bleed? Did you just… Why, yes. Yes, I did. I’m not giving away a link to this song. So if […]
Capitulation Signals Fed’s Next Big Move?June 3, 2022by Clint LeeBig Picture. Big Profits., U.S. EconomyCapitulation is a signal of mass panic among investors. It’s the ultimate washout and tends to precede some of the biggest gains in stock market history. But we just aren't seeing it yet. Instead, since May 20 (after two consecutive months of losses for the major indices) … we’ve seen the complete opposite. Investors are ravenously buying the dip in the latest bear market rally. Yet, as Clint explains in today’s video, you should still keep your eyes out for capitulation. Because when it does come knocking, it will have a massive impact on the Fed's next move.
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