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Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs
by Jeff Opdyke November 16, 2016 U.S. Economy
As the Internet of Things takes over, it will do more than provide convenience. It promises to steal nearly all existing jobs. Without change, this is bad news all around for pretty much all of us.
The Trick to Generating Income - Stock The Trick to Generating Income
by Chad Shoop October 28, 2016 Income
If you are already looking to own stock in a large, stable dividend-paying company, then why not get paid to do so? You can, and you can even name your own price while you’re at it.
The Leading Edge of the Dollar Hurricane The Leading Edge of the Dollar Hurricane
by Jeff Opdyke September 7, 2016 Currency
U.S. exports are down nearly $64 billion so far this year, and yet the Fed is flirting with raising interest rates. Can you imagine the economic storm if the dollar gets any stronger?
The Stock Market’s One Simple Truth
by Chad Shoop August 26, 2016 Trading Strategies
It hasn’t happened yet, but this market bubble will end up the same as the last. History repeats itself. Understanding this simple truth can lead you to an epiphany on the stock market.
Falling Taxes Doom the U.S. Economy
by Chad Shoop August 12, 2016 Stocks
Taxes are loathsome, but they are also a measure of prosperity. The more you earn, the more you pay. So, when corporate tax receipts fall steadily, so too does the U.S. economy.

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

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