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Say Goodbye to Cash Say Goodbye to Cash
by Jeff Yastine February 15, 2016 Wealth Protection
Central banks have concocted a diabolical plan to rid you of your cold, hard cash and turn it into digital currency. Find out why even the cash in your mattress may not be safe, and what you can do about it…
Image for U.S. dollar A Modest Proposal to Save the World
by Jeff Opdyke February 4, 2016 Global Economy
The strength of the dollar is causing trouble for the U.S. jobs market and for the entire global commodities market. There’s only one thing to do to end the chaos: Kill the U.S. dollar.
Image for silver supply Silver’s Shrinking Supply
by Jeff Yastine January 26, 2016 Precious Metals
The world's silver supply is shrinking. Not only is less of the precious metal being mined, but fewer people are selling their scrap silver. With so little supply, but growing demand, prices are bound to jump.
Image for interest-rate hike trouble It’s All Thanks to the Fed
by Chad Shoop January 22, 2016 Trading Strategies
Stock markets around the world (and investors by default) are in an uproar ... and it's all thanks to the Fed...
Image for China's market collapse The Chinese Market: A Sleeping Dragon or The Misunderstood Giant
by Jeff Opdyke January 20, 2016 Global Economy
The media has spread fear about China's market collapse for months, but it's time to look beyond the headlines. The numbers are in, and it's the U.S., not China, who's in trouble...

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