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There are comforting surprises in Switzerland. Ones that will warm your heart and heat up your investment returns — with the right guide at the wheel. Trust the Swiss to Keep Your Money Safe
by Bob Bauman August 17, 2017 Offshore Accounts
There are comforting surprises in Switzerland. Ones that will warm your heart and heat up your investment returns — with the right guide at the wheel.
The more people who use a network, the bigger the vulnerabilities. That's a key reason why cybersecurity companies will keep growing for years to come. Cybersecurity Profits Are Hiding in the Shadows
by Jeff Yastine August 15, 2017 Privacy Invasion
The more people who use a network, the bigger the vulnerabilities. That's a key reason why cybersecurity companies will keep growing for years to come.
New Russia Mess: 3 Takeaways for Investors Big impact on defense stocks, gold and oil
by Martin Weiss July 31, 2017 Uncategorized
Russia scandals and paranoia continue to dominate the news cycle, disrupt Congress and plague the White House. Yet, ironically, it seems there are still few people inside or outside the Beltway who truly understand Russian-American relations. Seven days ago, I presented three alternative theories: (1) Russia as an ally, (2) Russia as a Cold War adversary, […]
Taking a road trip to Minnesota seemed like a great idea. So, too, did the idea of renting an RV through a peer-to-peer service called Outdoorsy. Beware the Sharing Economy
by Ted Bauman July 24, 2017 U.S. Economy
Taking a road trip to Minnesota seemed like a great idea. So, too, did the idea of renting an RV through a peer-to-peer service called Outdoorsy.
Three Theories about Russia: Ally, Cold War Adversary, or Enemy #1?
by Martin Weiss July 24, 2017 Uncategorized
One year ago, as the crisis in the Ukraine was dying down, Russia was barely on the radar screen of U.S. news outlets. If it appeared prominently in more than one daily news cycle per month, it was unusual. Moreover, few people understood the country, its domestic politics or its foreign policies. Fast forward to […]

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