Stock-Slinging Shenanigans; Korn Ferry’s Fuel; Winnebago’s La-Z DayJune 22, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffAnyway, Here’s Great Stuff Today, Great Ones, is the day we’re gonna throw it back to you. By now, you should’ve somehow realized what you gotta do… Don’t worry, it’s not a rousing chorus of “Wonderwall.” But feel free to sing along at home — I can’t stop you there. (And yes, maybe I’m still […]
Simmer-Down Sunday: Apple Pay Later, But Who’s Buying?June 12, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffBuy Now, Pay … Never? Great Ones, we’ve talked enough about fear lately — some real legitimate terrors, like recessionary fears, supply chain worries and all that jazz. ‘Course, we’ve talked about some … how do we say this … less-than-usual fears, such as wading through a thrift shop’s sea of used Crocs and secondhand […]
The Fed’s Moving Castle, Uber’s Delivery Service, JetBlue’s Spirited AwayApril 6, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffListen To The Fed Great Ones, I know there’s something in the Federal Reserve’s smile. I get a notion from the look in its eyes, yeah. We’ve built an economy, but that economy falls apart. Your growth stock gains … turn to dark. Listen to the Fed — when it’s calling for you. Listen to […]
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