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Retail inventory sales supply chain back on menu meme The “Stuff” Surplus Has Started; Like Taking Candy From Buybuy Baby
by Joseph Hargett June 30, 2022 Great Stuff
Did Somebody Say “Blue Light Special?” Great Ones, we’ve long talked up the average consumer’s willingness to overspend like no tomorrow. You might fancy yourself a thrifty shopper, but c’mon: Who doesn’t at least shell out for the good frozen pizza every once in a while? No? Call it a willingness, call it an active […]
How My Favorite All-Weather Investment Skyrocketed $95 Billion “Man, we’re getting killed out there!” I’ve heard variants of that comment from formerly high-flying stock pickers recently. For nearly three years, investors and stock pickers alike rode a sentiment-driven wave of momentum to some of the highest price-to-earnings multiples in stock market history. With triple-digit gains all over the place, it was impossible not […]
Elon Musk Karen Options Market Meme Simmer-Down Sunday: On Stock Splits And Social Media Fits
by Joseph Hargett April 3, 2022 Great Stuff
Do Elons Dream Of Social Meeds? Well … do they? Sure, ol’ Musky the maybe-media-manipulator might tease and tempt the media mavens and the “muh free speechers” with images of a new, green, unmoderated social media pasture. But do you actually think the Tesla (Nasdaq: ) CEO’s hints at creating a new social media platform […]
Covered Call Options Ron Burgundy Meme Keep Your AMD Calls Covered, Your Cannabis Cool & Amazon Bookless?
by Joseph Hargett March 4, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Return Of The Weeshump” Edition Welcome back to “The Greatest Show in Finance!”™ As always, I’m your ringmaster, Mr. Great Stuff … and today is Friday Feedback. If this is your first time joining the Great Stuff crowd, Friday Feedback is the day that we root through the Great Stuff inbox and […]
Star Wars Enphase Power Converters Meme Solar’s Not An Enphase; Canopy’s Not Cashed Nor Is Chipotle Real Mexican Food
by Joseph Hargett February 9, 2022 Great Stuff
Enphase’d & Not Confused When I’m investing, I strut my stuff, my portfolio’s so strung out. Enphase (Nasdaq: ) is high as a kite; I just might stop to check them out… Let me go oooon! If you were looking for a blister in the sun, Great Ones, no amount of sunscreen is gonna shield […]

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