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The Navy SEALs’ choice proved so battle-worthy, this little airplane has developed quite a fan base in military circles in the years since. Buy This Navy SEAL-Approved Investment The Navy SEALs’ choice proved so battle-worthy, this little airplane has developed quite a fan base in military circles in the years since.
Don’t Fall for Market ‘Spoofers’ We haven’t seen a techno-crash of this magnitude since 2010 … but that doesn’t mean artificial price movements don’t happen anymore.
It’s important to take advantage of global opportunities by properly diversifying your portfolio. That’s why I contacted an expert in the European market… How to Diversify Your Investment Portfolio Beyond the U.S. and Into European Assets It’s important to take advantage of global opportunities by properly diversifying your portfolio. That’s why I contacted an expert in the European market…
In 1957, a dollar of debt produced $0.54 of additional income. No longer. Debt has increased more than twice as fast as the growth of the economy. We Have a Debt Problem
by James Dale Davidson February 23, 2017 U.S. Economy
In 1957, a dollar of debt produced $0.54 of additional income. No longer. Debt has increased more than twice as fast as the growth of the economy.
Brexit Rips Apart the Global Economy
by Jeff Opdyke June 24, 2016 Global Economy
By voting to flee the European Union, the Brits shocked the world … but only because the world wasn't paying attention. Now comes the day after Brexit, and it promises to be worse than the event itself.

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