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Japan’s Doomsday of Demographics and Debt October 23, 2017 Uncategorized I first lived in Japan back in 1979. The economy was five times larger than China’s. Its population was young and vibrant. Its government debt was less than 50% of GDP. Now, when I go to Japan, I see an entirely different country. Its economy is less than one-half the size of China’s. Its population […]
‘Special’ Issue: Staking Out Stealth Dividend Yields October 17, 2017 Adventure Capitalist So far in Adventure Capitalist, I’ve combed the entire investment universe to bring you value and growth stocks with the highest return potential. That list includes micro-caps, small-caps, miners, foreign stocks and everything in between. And we’ve had a great run in recent years. Last year, our portfolio booked a return of +41% vs. the S&P […]
The Fed Is Set to Trigger a Recession in December October 17, 2017 U.S. Economy The Fed tries to stop raising rates before it starts a recession. But that’s hard to do ... and it usually isn’t successful.
Amazon Has a Long Track Record of Failures October 16, 2017 Investment Opportunities Amazon isn't afraid to fail. And that's given Amazon a long track record of failures when it comes to entering a new market.
Google’s Buying Apple? October 13, 2017 Trading Strategies On Tuesday, Dow Jones Newswires sent out a ridiculous fake alert about Apple. Let's take a look at Apple’s price action the minute after the announcement.