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why nfts are hot right now Here’s Why NFTs Are Hot Right Now August 13, 2021 by Ian King Cryptocurrency, Winning Investor Daily The NFT world is going bananas right now. Here’s what you need to know about this part of the crypto market.
investing safely in biotech The Secret to Investing Safely in Biotech August 13, 2021 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Technology, U.S. Economy Biotech is back — new vaccines, new technologies. It's certainly tempting for the average investor to try to stake a claim right now. But as enticing as those stories about lifesaving drugs and potential profits may seem, biotech investing is risky business. I learned a painful — but powerful — lesson myself that I'd like to share with you. In today’s video, you'll see that there is a better, safer way to play this biotech boom ... all while collecting enormous dividends.
The Most Overlooked Cause of Trading Losses (And How to Avoid It) August 13, 2021 by Michael Carr True Options Masters Complacency will kill your trading game if you let it. But once you know how it affects you, you can trade like a real professional.
Did You See Biden’s New Electric Vehicle Goal? August 12, 2021 by Jay Goldberg Government & Politics, Technology, Winning Investor Daily The next step of President Joe Biden’s bold plan to boost the American electric vehicle market is underway.
strategy hold and fold stock 4 Steps to Know When to Fish or Cut Bait on a Stock August 11, 2021 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, Trading Strategies, U.S. Economy To combat that emotional tendency, we must rely on our powers of reason. But when I use reason to explain a particular stock decline, it can feel like special pleading. It isn’t. Every specific case of a newish company that’s declined in value shortly after its launch is just a variation on a broader theme. History shows that not only do these things happen … they often don’t last. Investors who understand that broader tendency go on to the big gains. So today, let’s talk about their broader tendency … how do we know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em?

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