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Banyan Hill’s Most Misunderstood Man — Here’s the Truth About Jeff Yastine October 24, 2019 Investing, Technology, Winning Investor Daily It’s important you read this, because I need to set the record straight about this gentleman. He’s one of the most misunderstood people at Banyan Hill … and maybe in the entire industry.
Downturn Play for Oil-Refining Stocks, Triple-Digit Gains Before Christmas: John’s Weekly Chart October 23, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing, Natural Resource Options Alert, Natural Resources, Oil, Onshore Solutions Oil-refining stocks rose in recent months after several news events in the Middle East. But in this week’s chart, John Ross explains why he predicts a downturn. Plus, he shows you a way you can play the drop for short-term triple-digit gains. (3-minute read)
Google’s Robot Traders Will Conquer Wall Street October 18, 2019 Technology, Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily Technology is taking over Wall Street. And Google’s next wave of tech will get rid of the humans who make the buy and sell decisions.
Great Stuff on Tour; Netflix on the Rocks October 17, 2019 Great Stuff Three things you need to read while Great Stuff is off gallivanting (read: stranded).
Triple-Digit Gains Trading VALE’s Price Patterns: John’s Weekly Chart October 16, 2019 American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities, Natural Resources The stock market hates iron ore producers right now. But today, John’s proprietary chart shows one iron ore stock that’s set for a short-term rise — followed by a 30% dip. Best of all, he shares a way to profit from both of these moves with his patented system. Plus, John shows you a way to make 150% gains from this stock’s volatility. (5-minute read)