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This 1 Key Innovation Helped Apple Revolutionize Smartphones Not only did Apple's iPhone combine email and Web browsing with an iPod and a phone all in one, but its greatest innovation revolutionized the smartphone market.
While on vacation to a Caribbean island, Ted Bauman takes another look at the tax benefits of America’s colony. A Second Look at Life Without the IRS
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While on vacation to a Caribbean island, Ted Bauman takes another look at the tax benefits of America’s colony.
Amazon is not your traditional retailer, a fact that Whole Foods Market is about to find out the hard way. Amazon: E-Commerce at Any Cost Amazon is not your traditional retailer, a fact that Whole Foods Market is about to find out the hard way.
Solar energy has emerged as a dominant force that is not only an unlimited resource, but also becoming cheaper and cheaper. Solar Power Is Cheaper Than Ever
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Solar energy has emerged as a dominant force that is not only an unlimited resource, but also becoming cheaper and cheaper.
Mundane events are like gold ore to the data miners. They convert that information into digital portraits of us that they can sell to advertisers. Your Data Trail Is Like a Gold Mine
by Ted Bauman June 12, 2017 Privacy Invasion
Mundane events are like gold ore to the data miners. They convert that information into digital portraits of us that they can sell to advertisers.

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