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Harley-Davidson recently received an up-close look at the dangers of not paying close enough attention to the tastes of America’s millennial generation. Millennials Are Killing Motorcycles Too
by Jeff Yastine July 26, 2017 U.S. Economy
Harley-Davidson recently received an up-close look at the dangers of not paying close enough attention to the tastes of America’s millennial generation.
Virtual Reality Is Exactly What Gamers Want The technology behind video games has changed dramatically over the years. But the video games of the future are going to be virtual reality.
Taking a road trip to Minnesota seemed like a great idea. So, too, did the idea of renting an RV through a peer-to-peer service called Outdoorsy. Beware the Sharing Economy
by Ted Bauman July 24, 2017 U.S. Economy
Taking a road trip to Minnesota seemed like a great idea. So, too, did the idea of renting an RV through a peer-to-peer service called Outdoorsy.
This 1 Key Innovation Helped Apple Revolutionize Smartphones Not only did Apple's iPhone combine email and Web browsing with an iPod and a phone all in one, but its greatest innovation revolutionized the smartphone market.
While on vacation to a Caribbean island, Ted Bauman takes another look at the tax benefits of America’s colony. A Second Look at Life Without the IRS
by Ted Bauman July 3, 2017 Offshore Accounts
While on vacation to a Caribbean island, Ted Bauman takes another look at the tax benefits of America’s colony.

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