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AMD Ascends; S&P Double-Plus Bad; Leaving Las Vegas October 27, 2020 Great Stuff House of the Ryzen Sun Great Ones, we’re watching an era end in the semiconductor market. A changing of the guard. A capitalist election of the highest order. No longer does “Intel Inside” rule the roost. Behold AMD’s ascent. Okay, somebody’s got delusions of grandeur. Too much Death Wish coffee this morning? What gives, Mr. […]
Invest in Biotech With 1 Buy October 27, 2020 2020 Financial Crisis, American Investor Today (9-minute video) In the war against COVID-19, American biotech companies are paving the path. The latest success is Gilead’s remdesivir winning FDA approval. Will this be the start of a new uptrend for the stock?
Pandemic Options; Billionaire Ant Hill; Dunkin Munchkin Huntin’ October 26, 2020 Great Stuff Risk on; Risk off The global economy is sick … and I mean that literally, not in the ‘90s kinda way or in a Michael Jackson’s “Bad is good” kinda way. Over the weekend, the U.S. hit back-to-back record highs for new COVID-19 cases. According to Johns Hopkins University data, the seven-day average of new […]
It’s Friday, I’m in Plug; Why Intel Fell; Fastly Flustered October 23, 2020 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “Drought Has Ended” Edition I have good news for you today, Great Ones! The Great Stuff Picks drought has ended. The seal is broken, so to speak. Aren’t you just dying to know what Great Stuff’s new recommendation is? The company I recommend today is up roughly 300% this year, and […]
Hit on Nikola, Lost Banking Boys and Zombies October 22, 2020 Great Stuff Great Stuff Reader Feedback answers your questions on Nikola (again), hydrogen power, banking issues, lost boys and zombies. Yes … zombies.