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Emerging Markets Are Still a Bargain September 6, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Global Economy Back in mid-July, I recommended investors look at Brazil. And for the second quarter in a row, Brazil posted better-than-expected positive economic growth.
Medical robots could make up for what will likely be a shortage of workers in the medical field, especially in surgery. A Medical Robot Might Save Your Life September 6, 2017 by Ian Dyer Investment Opportunities Medical robots could make up for what will likely be a shortage of workers in the medical field, especially in surgery.
Cybersecurity Is a Gold Mine for Investors September 5, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities There's an epic demand for people with cybersecurity skills. It points to the rising amount that companies are spending on cybersecurity these days.
Harvey will affect millions of lives, the economy of Texas, the nation’s economy and the stock market. Hurricane Harvey Could Cause a Recession September 5, 2017 by Michael Carr U.S. Economy Harvey will affect millions of lives, the economy of Texas, the nation’s economy and the stock market.
Prices are up all over the U.S. from this time last year. However, we are still paying far less for gasoline today than we did for most of the last decade. Despite Hurricane Harvey, Gas Prices Are Still the Lowest in a Decade September 5, 2017 by Matt Badiali Oil Prices are up all over the U.S. from this time last year. However, we are still paying far less for gasoline today than we did for most of the last decade.

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