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growth stock sales Beware the Stock Market’s Growth Stock Sale When it comes to toying with your emotions, there’s probably no place worse than the stock market. That’s because our instincts and built-in tendencies serve us poorly as investors. There’s even a growing field to study and explain these “behavioral biases.” Some are well-documented, like herding. That’s where investors just follow what everyone else is doing (which is a bad idea, of course).But there’s another instinct I’m seeing a lot more of lately. And like all the others we fall prey to, when followed blindly, it can do real damage to your portfolio. That is: the urge to buy something on sale.
Robinhood: It's Just Not for These Investors Robinhood: It’s Just Not for These Investors Robinhood just announced its new ETF-picking service. But after its history of lying to users, can the brokerage app be trusted?
SEC Nio stops U.S.-listed Chinese stocks meme Nio’s Not The One, YouTube’s DISphoria & Speaking Meta-phorically
by Joseph Hargett December 15, 2021 Great Stuff
Red Dawn: Chinese Edition The time has come, Great Ones, to talk of many things: Of batteries and chips and electric vehicles (EVs) … of cabbages and Xi Jinpings. And why China is boiling hot — and whether Chinese stocks have wings. Great Stuff Picks readers have probably already noticed that our Nio (NYSE: ) […]
blockchain iot Blockchain Is the Perfect Solution for the IoT Blockchain has applications that go beyond the world of cryptos. And it’s perfect for the IoT.
Kohl's investors when Engine Capital's math meme No Friend of Kohl’s, Nvidia Sleepy ARM & The SEC’s Lucid Dream
by Joseph Hargett December 6, 2021 Great Stuff
Only Parts Of The Kohl’s Will Be Removed… I swear, Great Ones, Kohl’s (NYSE: ) must have a giant blinking target on its back. Activist investors are coming for the retailer … again. This time, it’s Engine Capital — a New York-based hedge fund that owns 1% of KSS outstanding stock and, apparently, delusions of […]

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

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