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Nervous Investors Move the Markets February 24, 2017 Trading Strategies The CBOE Volatility Index is a simple measure of S&P 500 option buying. When it's high, it signals that investors are hedging their portfolios for a crash.
We Have a Debt Problem February 23, 2017 U.S. Economy In 1957, a dollar of debt produced $0.54 of additional income. No longer. Debt has increased more than twice as fast as the growth of the economy.
Only Germany Can Save Global Stocks February 23, 2017 Global Economy The German public has been strongly opposed to using their tax dollars to subsidize banks in other countries. Unless that changes, the EU might not survive.
Most Popular Millennial Mega Trends to Invest in Now February 22, 2017 Investment Opportunities The millennial investment ball game is just getting started, just like McDonald’s and others rode the baby boomer mega trend in its earliest years.
Trump Must Deliver on Taxes February 21, 2017 U.S. Economy It seems that there could be significant consequences if President Donald Trump fails to deliver after lifting spirits and stock prices so much.