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Beating the Average February 13, 2017 Trading Strategies While everyone has their own unique investment tools, one of my favorite market indicators is the relative rotation of the various sectors.
Hold Tight to Cash February 10, 2017 Wealth Protection With one app and a wave of your phone, you can now buy pretty much anything without ever handling cash. It’s convenient, but this drift away from cash is going to spell trouble for consumers…
The Stage Is Set for a Housing Market Comeback February 10, 2017 Investment Opportunities While doom-and-gloom headlines still reign, there are signs in recent economic data that the American dream of homeownership could be making a comeback.
The Industrial Devolution February 10, 2017 U.S. Economy Due to a myriad of factors, the number of manufacturing jobs in America has declined rapidly in the past several decades.
It’s Time! February 9, 2017 Investment Opportunities “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” This famous statement describes a fate shared by both American writer Mark Twain and the anachronistic wristwatch.