A Eulogy for DemocracyOctober 12, 2016by Jeff OpdykeGovernment & PoliticsIn better days, America's capitalist democracy was the envy of the world. Now, however, it's dead ... and American voters are the ones who killed it.
Hunting for the Next AppleOctober 11, 2016by Jeff YastineTrading StrategiesAs much as you might like to fantasize about buying into the “next Apple” on your own, the truth is that you usually convince yourself to do otherwise ... which is why you need an expert on your side.
GDP Apocalypse NowOctober 7, 2016by Chad ShoopU.S. EconomyDo you want to follow how often the U.S. economy fails to live up to expectations? Well … there’s an app for that. And what is says about gross domestic product (GDP) isn’t pretty.
The Crushing Brexit Wave From EuropeOctober 5, 2016by Jeff OpdykeGlobal EconomyThrow a rock into a pond and it takes time for the ripples to disrupt an ant pile built on the far shore. Brexit is no different.
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