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It’s that time again! No, you didn’t miss another holiday … you haven’t missed much out there. Welcome, Great Ones, to the Christmas lull. Market Doldrums; Max Is Back; Tesla: The Next AOL? December 29, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Fly, My Pretties! Well, Great Ones, it finally happened. The rest of the Great Stuff team ran to the hills this week (probably galloping hard on the plains, if I had to wager). Even my winged monkeys find their way out of Oz eventually… So, it’s just me here holding down the fort at Great […]
Want to Learn Options Trading? Start With the Basics December 29, 2020 by Melody Kerr American Investor Today, Education, Trading Strategies (4-minute read) Many people avoid options simply because they’re “too complicated.” They need someone who can make options easier to understand — unlocking the potential for bigger and quicker gains. That’s why we follow our expert, Chad Shoop.
I’m no grinch, but when stocks are valued at 184% of GDP, someone has to tell it to you like it is — even if it means I get coal this year. Great Grinch Stuff; Nikola’s Trash; Is This a GameStop to You? December 23, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff You’re a Mean One, Mr. Great Stuff Great Ones, I have a confession to make: I really wanted to be your Santa Claus this year. I wanted to ring the bells and tell you that the bull market is in full swing. To channel my inner Bob Marley and tell you that every little thing […]
HBO Max finally joins Roku, and there was much rejoicing … especially from Great Stuff Picks readers. You guys are killing it! AT&T Gets a RO-Klue; Crypto Crazy; Carvana Hazy December 17, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff The King of Wishful Streaming Ah, yeah. Do you know what day it is? It’s Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays. Thank you, Arthur Dent. I feel like that applies to all of 2020, though. Today is Great Stuff Reader Feedback day! It also happens to be the last Reader Feedback day […]
Plug Power goes gangbusters on Walmart deal expansion. Great Stuff Picks readers are up a whopping 93% in less than three months! Plug Power’s Pure Play; Baidu’s Bold Bid; Nio Not Tesla December 15, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Plugged In & Powered Up! Can you feel it, Great Ones? The power emanating from your portfolio today? What you feel is no joke. It’s the beginnings of greatness itself. The rise of Plug Power (Nasdaq: )! I mean, you did buy PLUG back when Great Stuff Picks recommended it on October 23, right? If […]

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"Since I started following your secret over your multiple publications, my $659,000 account is up to $715,000 in just 2 months. I’m up $56,000 in one month alone."

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“Loving this. Should have started a long time ago.”

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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