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Anywhere But Here -quality of life Anywhere But Here
by Ted Bauman February 29, 2016 Offshore Living
Our political system is in turmoil, our Constitution is under strain, our quality of life is falling and here you are, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Isn’t it about time you set aside ideology and focus on what’s important?
Make Wall Street Your Personal ATM with put options Selling Put Options Is Complex But Lucrative
by Chad Shoop February 26, 2016 Income
In today's market, everyone is looking for portfolio protection. There is a trading strategy built for just such a situation, one that turns Wall Street into your personal ATM. That strategy: selling put options.
Apple Vs. the FBI The War on Privacy Apple vs. the FBI: The War on Privacy
by Ted Bauman February 22, 2016 Privacy Invasion
The government is going after Apple’s iPhone encryption with a vengeance. The “terrorism” flag is being waved, but it’s your privacy that’s really at stake. After all, can we really trust this breach of privacy will be “one time only”?
License Plate Readers Privacy for Sale: No Warrant Needed
by Ted Bauman February 17, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Police may need a warrant to use GPS to track your vehicle, but new high-tech toys have created a serious loophole for government surveillance. As a result, tracking your car has created an unholy alliance between profit and policing.
Japan Is Our Future, Is Gold the Solution? Japan Is Our Future: Is Gold the Solution?
by Jeff Opdyke February 16, 2016 Global Economy
Central banks around the world have thrown everything at the economy. Unconventional monetary measures, quantitative easing, near-zero interest rates and yet … here we are. The plan has failed. Welcome to Japan 2.0.

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