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Friday Four Play: IPO Edition June 7, 2019 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Initial public offerings (IPOs) are finally cool again! Uber Technologies Inc. (NYSE: UBER) and Lyft Inc. (Nasdaq: LYFT) tried their hardest to scuttle enthusiasm in the IPO market. But Wall Street has finally shaken off those doldrums. I mean, Uber is finally trading back above its IPO price … so we’re all good, right? (Sorry, […]
It may surprise you to learn which safe stocks have fared the best during this turbulent market. And only one of them has the resilience to remain strong… The Safest Stocks During Market Volatility June 6, 2019 by Brian Christopher Stocks, Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily It may surprise you to learn which safe stocks have fared the best during this turbulent market. And only one of them has the resilience to remain strong…
Carmageddon Is Coming June 6, 2019 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff And I looked, and beheld pale affordable ride-sharing: and his name that caught a Lyft was Death, and Carmageddon followed with him. Are you prepared for the end of times for personal vehicles? Dogs and cats ride-sharing together … mass hysteria! It’s happening already. Well, not the “dogs and cats” thing. They don’t have opposable […]
semiconductor image Recent Market Downturn Says It’s Time to Buy Semiconductors June 6, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities, Technology May was a harsh month for the stock market. The Trump administration raised tariffs on Chinese goods up to 25%. China responded by raising tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. imports. The slugfest affected a sector that powers many tech trends today. Most investors fear the decline. Charles Mizrahi talks about the impact these events have on the stock market. And why he sees this as a great opportunity to profit. (4-minute read)
With the next stage in e-commerce competition coalescing around one-day delivery, the last mile is becoming the most important mile of all … one that can generate serious profits for you. What is the Hottest E-commerce Stock to Buy Right Now? June 5, 2019 by Ted Bauman Investment Opportunities, Real Estate, Winning Investor Daily With the next stage in e-commerce competition coalescing around one-day delivery, the last mile is becoming the most important mile of all … one that can generate serious profits for you.

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