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Is this a great place for palladium to rally? Yes, unless China, the U.S. and the rest of the world are giving up driving cars. Did Everyone Give up on Driving Cars?
by Sean Brodrick March 29, 2018 Precious Metals
This metal is another victim of the Trump trade wars. But unlike some others, the market is wrong on this, and you can profit.
Hottest Investments This Chart Calls for a Crash. But It’s Not That Simple… Under normal circumstances, this looks like something that would lead to another financial crisis. However, there’s actually a good reason behind it.
One-Party State I’m Fed Up With America’s One-Party Government. Are You? The recent GOP-Trump budget-busting, debt-hiking tax law drove another nail in the coffin of the Republicans as the “conservative” party.
So you’re upset that Facebook collected data on you? The sweetest revenge isn’t deleting your account. It’s learning how to profit from the whole sorry mess. The Real Lesson of the Facebook Debacle So you’re upset that Facebook collected data on you? The sweetest revenge isn’t deleting your account. It’s learning how to profit from the whole sorry mess.
Three-point Checklist My 3-Point Checklist for Prospering in a Crash Here’s what you need to know to make sure you survive during a market turndown.

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