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Oil Stocks? I’ve Got No Energy For This & OTC Toyota-Thon September 17, 2021 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “Sympathy For The Oil” Edition Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a commodity of wealth and taste. I’ve been around for a long, long years, stole many a man’s retirement. I was around when Jimmy Carter had his moment of doubt and pain. Made damn sure that Iran closed its ports […]
Boeing’s 2040 Vision, Coinbase’s Crypto Junk & The Taco Bell Funk September 15, 2021 Great Stuff Someone Hit The Snooze Button Holy cats, Great Ones! Today was one boring day on the stock market. I mean, just look at the headlines from the major financial publications: How the rich can catch a break with the new tax plan. Ray Dalio ripping on Bitcoin (BTC) … again. And Social Security! You know […]
Friday Feedback: When Chipmakers Attack & SPACs In The Back September 10, 2021 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “Meet Your Makers” Edition Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends. We’re so glad you could attend. Come inside! Come inside! Come inside, the show’s about to start — guaranteed to blow your head apart. Rest assured, you’ll get your money’s worth… Great Ones, it’s time for the inaugural […]
El Salvador’s Bitcoin Bop, Painful Peloton Peddling & Lulu’s Lucky Strike September 9, 2021 Great Stuff Bitcoin’s Technical Savior If you’ve seen “El Salvador” more this week than you have in your entire life, well, I take it you don’t live there. And if you are a Great One living down in El Salvador, why in the world have you not dropped by our inbox to say howdy?! Wait. Hold on […]
Right Now, Cash Is King September 7, 2021 Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, U.S. Economy The trend is clear. When the market starts getting “toppy,” insiders at technology companies stop buying their own shares. Corporate executives know what’s going on in their industries better than anyone else. Every quarter, they must tell the market what they think about their own prospects in an official filing. But they can buy and sell shares in their own company at any time. That makes insider purchases a critical data point for investors. That’s the lowest level of insider buying over the last five years. This is powerful evidence of something I’ve been saying all summer. Right now, smart investors should be buying quality companies. That means strong balance sheets, recession-proof revenues and above all, strong free cash flow. Here’s the evidence.