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Latest Insights on AMPL

What The Moving Averages Say About The S&P 500 July 25, 2018 by Ian Dyer Economy The S&P 500 Index just so happens to be right around the 2,800 mark, which the market surged through in January on its path to all-time highs.
5G Technology and Augmented Reality (AR): What’s The Hype? July 24, 2018 by Ian Dyer Technology, Trending Right now, there’s no replacement for the smartphone. However, there are two technologies coming out soon that could revolutionize how we communicate.
The Cannabis Boom Means Huge Opportunities for Investors July 20, 2018 by Matt Badiali Investment Opportunities, Trending Cannabis should generate a whopping $1 billion in earnings … and that’s just over the next two years. If we look out further, the numbers become staggering.
Gold Is Your Insurance Policy Against Catastrophe July 19, 2018 by Matt Badiali Gold, Investing The Italians use gold as an insurance policy against catastrophe. And when the country joined the EU, it triggered an emergency. The lira plummeted in value, but gold did not.
4 Ways to Invest in the Blockchain Boom July 17, 2018 by Jessica Cohn Investment Opportunities, Trending Blockchain is a disruptive new tech trend. Experts project the industry will soar 77,400% as it explodes from a $4 billion market to a $3.1 trillion one.

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