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Interest Rates Don’t Trust the Euphoria Don’t Trust the Euphoria
by Jeff Opdyke November 23, 2016 U.S. Economy
The Dow topped 19,000 for the first time ever on Tuesday. Bond prices are plunging. The dollar is at a 14-year high. I even heard talk of the global economy picking up speed! Beware what comes next…
American Government: Beyond the Big Two American Government: Beyond the Big Two U.S. voters have been led to believe that the only choices we have in government are Republican or Democrat. And yet, neither represents that view of America today. It’s time for something different.
Europe What Wall Street Is Missing - Spain Europe: What Wall Street Is Missing
by Jeff Opdyke May 4, 2016 Global Economy
As the second largest member of the PIIGS pack, Spain was much reviled. But the country has rebounded despite anti-austerity bloviating. So much for Keynesian doomsaying …

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