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Smells Like Albemarle, A Coinbase’d Deal & Alibaba Abomination August 4, 2022 Great Stuff Heavy Metal Noise Great Ones in leather. Earnings fly in the dead of the night. Albemarle (NYSE: ) all comes together, then they shoot out the lights. It’s your one-way ticket to big gains. Call it lithium. Earnings were higher than high, but it ain’t feelin’ right. Call it heavy metal noise. I mean, it […]
Netflix Isn’t Dead … Yet, Flying Hydrogen Taxis & Elon’s Tweet Nothings July 20, 2022 Great Stuff Streaming Stay Of Execution Great Ones, as we celebrate mediocrity, all the Netflix (Nasdaq: ) boys upstairs wanna see is how much you’ll pay for what you used to get for free… There goes the last DJ. Exactly. Yesterday, I revealed Netflix’s plans to start charging you for password sharing … and said I’d fill […]
Options Arena: Can Commodities Make a Comeback? July 17, 2022 Investing, Options Arena, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters Commodities outperformed in the first half of 2022, before dropping 18% in June. But they may not be another bear market casualty yet...
Inflation Aggregation Aggravation, Snappy NFTs & Unity Dreams July 13, 2022 Great Stuff And That Was All She Wrote… Great Ones, I woke up late after last night and I knew right away something wasn’t right. Inflation had blown. It took all I had and blew my portfolio apart … should have known it’d go bad right from the start. Where did we do wrong? Bye bye, baby, […]
Worst… Economy… Ever — Really? July 12, 2022 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks (3-minute read) Americans are hurting right now. But Charles shares why, despite consumer sentiment, 2022 is not the worst economy ever…