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This Biotech Billionaire Loves This Risky Stock April 11, 2018 by Brian Christopher Technology, Trending There is a chance you will lose money if you buy today’s stock. But if you’re willing to take on a little risk, I have an opportunity for you that could be very profitable.
Veterans’ Scandal-Ridden Health Care Is Still a Disaster April 10, 2018 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics The Veteran Affairs crisis provides a cautionary example of what happens when nervous Washington politicians try to micromanage a medical system.
A Cheap Way to Offset Rising Gas Prices March 28, 2018 by Brian Christopher Investment Opportunities, Oil, Trading Strategies Most of us have to buy gas, so there’s nothing we can do about the higher gas prices. But there is a way to offset them.
Hottest Investments This Chart Calls for a Crash. But It’s Not That Simple… March 28, 2018 by Ian Dyer Investment Opportunities, Trading Strategies Under normal circumstances, this looks like something that would lead to another financial crisis. However, there’s actually a good reason behind it.
One-Party State I’m Fed Up With America’s One-Party Government. Are You? March 27, 2018 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics, U.S. Economy The recent GOP-Trump budget-busting, debt-hiking tax law drove another nail in the coffin of the Republicans as the “conservative” party.

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

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