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Wall Street weights payroll tax cut promises. Also, stocks are up today … because stocks were down yesterday. Viral Taxes, Tesla Production Maxes, Dick’s Be Axin’
by Joseph Hargett March 10, 2020 Great Stuff
Tax Cuts for Viruses I have a TLDR (too long, didn’t read) for you today: Stocks are up today … because stocks were down yesterday. It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, but if the shoe fits … I think we can all agree that the market’s volatility has just been ridiculous lately. The financial media tell you […]
Retiring in a Down Market? Turn Those Losses Into Tax Benefits [4-minute read] An interesting way to potentially minimize your taxes.
Welcome to day 3 of Great Stuff’s primer on trading options. Today, we cover the ultimate “secret sauce” of options trading strategies. Great Stuff Special Edition: The “Secret Sauce” Strategy
by Joseph Hargett March 6, 2020 Great Stuff
Great Stuff Special Edition: The “Secret Sauce” Strategy This is it, campers: the third and final day of Great Stuff’s primer on options trading! If you’ve been following along, you know that we’ve covered the basics from “What is an option?” to “What are puts and calls?” all the way to how to buy and […]
Welcome to day 2 of Great Stuff’s primer on trading options. It’s time to delve into the dark side! Great Stuff Special Edition: Options — The Dark Side
by Joseph Hargett March 5, 2020 Great Stuff
Great Stuff Special Edition: The Dark Side of Options Trading Welcome to day 2 of Great Stuff’s primer on options trading! If you tuned in yesterday, you know that we’re forgoing our usual mission to suck the marrow out of the financial media’s headlines. Instead, it’s time to teach you about options trading! (It’s also […]
The Winners and Losers in This Market Correction [5-minute read] Different types of assets behave differently in a correction. Knowing why can help you weather a stormy stock market.

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