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Invest in Wall Street’s Best Hedge Fund With Goldman Sachs’ ETF February 21, 2019 Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily Hedge funds attract some amazing talent, and this exchange-traded fund tries to pick their best ideas. Since its launch, it has beaten the S&P 500 by more than 50%.
Investors Should Follow Superstar CEO Ed Breen Into DowDuPont February 21, 2019 American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities A great CEO who knows how to allocate capital properly is a shareholder’s dream. And Charles Mizrahi has found one worth betting on today.
KKR & Co. Inc. — A Hot Investment With Billions in Assets February 14, 2019 Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily I like to follow the money. That’s because observing the stocks that large money managers own can lead you to profitable opportunities.
Dollar Stores Are the Kings of Cheap February 13, 2019 Trending, Winning Investor Daily Dollar stores are the fastest-growing type of retail establishment in the United States. Three new ones open every day.
Don’t Fall for the “Dark Side” of Investing in Electric Vehicles February 12, 2019 Technology, Winning Investor Daily The changes that are about to happen to the global auto industry will leave a few winners and many losers. And electric vehicles will be the culprit.