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Elon Musk Twitter buyout midlife crisis meme Tesla’s Tweet Nothings, UPS Up Ended, Toilet Paper & Puppy Indicators April 26, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Tesla Gets Twitterpated Great Ones, I regret that I ever heard of Twitter (NYSE: ), Elon Musk or Tesla (Nasdaq: ). This trio of trading titillation is literally everywhere, all the time. Honestly, it reminds me of an old Lamb Chop song: ♫ This is the song that never ends. Yes, it goes on and […]
Apple Only Hope FAANG Earnings Meme Apple’s FAANG Force Awakens, Blizzard’s Snowed In & Musk Moves On Twitter April 25, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff FAANG De-Fanged? Look, mummy, there’s an earnings plane up in the sky… Great Ones, did you see the frightened ones? D-D-D-Did you see the earnings bombs? Did you ever wonder why we had to run for safe investments when the promise of a brave, new market unfurled beneath a clear, blue sky? Umm … Mr. […]
Ford copying Tesla luxury Lincoln Mr. Bean meme Simmer-Down Sunday: Ford’s Tangled Up In Tesla April 24, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Ford’s Lincoln Parked Sundays were made for soap opera repeats. And methinks it’s time for a lil’ binge of your favorite electrified soap, EV Days… Oh great. Yet another day of Tesla this, Tesla that. Nope! No Tesla (Nasdaq: ) here. Well, not directly, at least… It’s a Ford (NYSE: ) kinda morning. Especially seeing […]
Elon Happy/Sad Twitter $46.5 Billion Funding Meme Tesla Records Scratched, Musk Bluffs & HBO Maxin’ Relaxin’ All Cool April 21, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff What A Twisted Web We Tweet I’ve been dazed and confused by Tesla’s (Nasdaq: ) earnings for so long, it’s not true. Wanted an EV maker, never bargained for you… Umm, what was so confusing about Tesla’s report? Well … nothing. That’s the most surprising part, if you’ve tuned into literally any other quarterly report […]
Netflix password sharing Metallica Napster meme Netflix’s Password Pain, Lulu’s Victory Lap, P&G’s Productivity Pitch April 20, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Little Red Streaming Service Great Ones, I guess I should’ve known by the way CEO Reed Hastings parked his car sideways that it wouldn’t last. See, Netflix (Nasdaq: ) is the kinda company that believed in sharing passwords. Now, it’s love ‘em and leave ‘em fast. I guess I must be dumb. I had a […]

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