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option strategy is wall street's best secret This Option Strategy Is Wall Street’s Best Secret January 21, 2022 by Ian King Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily I set out to create an option strategy that’s different from what everyone else is doing.
Blockchain Is the Airbnb of Digital Assets December 20, 2021 by Ian King Technology, Winning Investor Daily (3-minute read) Airbnb and Uber let us share our physical assets. And blockchains will do the same for our digital assets and resources.
AT&T Gru meme Small AT & Flee, Plug Power Flies Free & Musk Mauls Bitcoin … Again May 17, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff AT & Flee Heard it from a friend who … heard it from a friend who heard it from another AT&T’s (NYSE: ) been messing around. They say AT&T’s got a boyfriend. It was up late this weekend … in talks with Discovery (Nasdaq: ). They’re talking about selling media, and it’s bringing me down. […]
Caveman Lawyer bitcion meme small Old Man Yells At Bitcoin, Verizon’s Yard Sale & Tesla Battles The Bulge May 3, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Berkshire’s Munger Strike Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: ) had a shareholders meeting this weekend. And we should care because? Agreed. No one cares about Berkshire events. I mean, the stock trades north of $420,000 per share. Do you own BRK.A? If so, why are you reading me? Am I that entertaining? (I hope so.) Anyway, Berkshire […]
Bitcion $60K Laughing Leo meme The $100K Bitcoin Ballet, AMC Ya Later Wanda & Dolla’ General Y’all March 15, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff The $100K Bitcoin Ballet Bitcoin (BTC) is going to $100,000! That’s what all the cool analysts are saying right now, especially after this weekend’s record-breaking rally. The world’s leading cryptocurrency topped $60,000 on Saturday, driven by a host of drivers … some new, some old. The old hat drivers include the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 recovery […]

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