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Escape the Earnings Meltdown Market Declines & Options on The S&P 500 Explained
by Chad Shoop May 13, 2016 Stocks
For the first time since 2008, we are facing four straight quarters of negative earnings growth. Stocks are now poised for a plunge, but there is one sector that could offer you protection.
The Gold You Should Be Buying - interest rates The Gold You Should Consider Investing in Right Now
by Jeff Opdyke May 11, 2016 Gold
With interest rates in negative territory for much of the globe, and headed there in the U.S., it’s not enough to just own gold … you have to own the right kind of gold.
U.S. Trouble With American Dividends U.S. Trouble With American Dividends
by Chad Shoop May 6, 2016 Stocks
Rates are headed higher and earnings are headed lower stateside. And yet, dividends are not only unfazed, but recommended on Wall Street. Something's rotten, and it’s time for investors to look abroad for better yield opportunities.
Europe What Wall Street Is Missing - Spain Europe: What Wall Street Is Missing
by Jeff Opdyke May 4, 2016 Global Economy
As the second largest member of the PIIGS pack, Spain was much reviled. But the country has rebounded despite anti-austerity bloviating. So much for Keynesian doomsaying …
Demise of Classic Investing - stocks The Problem With The Buy & Hold Investing Strategy for the S&P 500 The era of cheap borrowing rates and a Fed stimulus is on its way out. While current methods could leave you out in the cold, there are solutions to this investing dilemma.

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