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A Peek Behind the Market Maker’s Shoulder Because they’re derivatives of stock prices, a lot of people think options are priced “automatically” based on how the stock price is moving. This just isn’t the case...
Lyft driver I'm here for you meme Lyft’s Rough Riders, Planet Fitness Blasts Off & Hobson’s Choice
by Joseph Hargett November 8, 2022 Great Stuff
Lyft: A Not-So-Easy Rider Great Ones, when I am traveling and, oh, my jetlag, so weary. When taxis drive by, and my luggage burdened be. Then, I am still, and I wait here with my smartphone, until you come and stop in front of me… You Lyft (Nasdaq: ) me up, so I can get […]
Batter Up! Kings 1, Market 0 Trading the market is a lot like being the manager of a baseball team. As traders, we can’t let one single trade made or break us. We need to compound winner after winner. Baseball’s much the same...
Making Swiss Cheese Out of Economist Ideas I’ve read a lot of books on the markets. Most won’t teach you anything you don’t already know. A rare few hold insights you’ll never forget. And some books are so wrong, they unintentionally lead you to an opposite strategy that actually works well...
What is the top biotech stock pick for 2023? The #1 Breakthrough Biotech Stock for 2023 CRISPR Therapeutics is dedicated to 2 things: genetics research and saving lives. find out why this biotech stock is our #1 pick for 2023!

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