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From comfort shopping to retail investing, Americans go stir-crazy during the pandemic lockdown. Lockdown Pastimes; Novavax Big Time; Travel Stocks Climb
by Joseph Hargett May 26, 2020 Great Stuff
Stir-Crazy Investors We’re all itching to get out and participate in the U.S. economy’s “Great Reopening.” If reports from the Memorial Day holiday weekend are any indication, some of us are a lot more eager than others … I’m looking at you Lake of the Ozarks partygoers. As the country reopens, now is an excellent […]
Please Take Our 3-Minute Survey Today (3-minute survey) For the past eight weeks, we’ve sent you a free options trade every Friday. Now we’d like to hear from you! Are you making these trades? Let us know!
Holy cats! It was a busy Friday: consumer spending, blocked Huawei, Chinese threats, virus testing, bouncing banks? That’s quite a smorgasbord of market-moving data. Retail Weeps, China Creeps, Bankers Beat and Testing Sleeps
by Joseph Hargett May 15, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: You Down With PPT? Holy cats! It was one busy Friday. I mean, we had a literal smorgasbord of market-moving data … all in one day: Consumer spending set another record in April, plunging 16.4%. President Trump blocked semiconductor shipments to Huawei. China threatened to activate its “unreliable entity list.” Trump questioned […]
The Fed Failed Us — Protect Yourself With Gold Current estimates show the Fed will print $3.5 trillion (with a “T”) to cover its deficit this year. But it can’t debase gold.
Don’t Gamble on Stocks — Trade Earnings Instead (4-minute read) As first-quarter earnings come in, many investors are hoping these results will prop up the next stock rebound. Whether stocks rise or plunge, Chad Shoop uses one options-trading strategy to capture gains from positive earnings announcements.

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