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Earnings season explained by Gru meme small Roku’s Revenue Rules; Ford’s Metal Confetti and Fiverr’s Freelance Affair
by Joseph Hargett February 19, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Avatar Roku” Edition Hey, Great Ones! No, we’re not discussing The Last Airbender today. I just couldn’t resist the headline. But we will talk about the FAANG gang… Anyway, remember how I talked about rising online ad revenue? Remember … when Twitter (NYSE: ) heaped on the ad revenue, and I […]
Frozen EVs charging in Texas meme small Grid and Bear It, Apple Dumped and Bitcoin’s Bender
by Joseph Hargett February 16, 2021 Great Stuff
Freedom Fuel I don’t know about y’all, but I’m freezing my patootie off in the Bluegrass State today. We’re not used to seeing eight-plus inches of snow. It just doesn’t happen here all that often anymore. But, as bad as I have it here in Kentucky, it’s nowhere near what Texas is dealing with right […]
2 Investing Legends Share Their Secrets (6-minute read) Today, we’re doing something a little different … I got the chance to speak with Charles Mizrahi and Chad Shoop in an interview. Read it today…
In a world with a struggling dollar, you need to work harder to maintain your purchasing power. How to Protect Yourself From the Crashing Dollar In a world with a struggling dollar, you need to work harder to maintain your purchasing power.
Dogecoin was created by a couple bitcoin developers with a sense of humor. Then Tesla CEO Elon Musk tipped off a 600% rally. Is Dogecoin the Next Bitcoin? Dogecoin was created by a couple bitcoin developers with a sense of humor. Then Tesla CEO Elon Musk tipped off a 600% rally.

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“Loving the 238% gain after I bought your recommendation in Sept. 2019! This week (July 21, 2020) will be my 1 year anniversary with your amazing team … thanks for the life-changing work you all do! Between all your services, 14 triple-digit gains, the greatest at 358%!"

- Matt

"I couldn’t believe it … in just 2 months, I made $298,506 on one stock – that’s a 24% gain!"

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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