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GDP: A Wrench in the Recovery A Wrench in the Recovery? January 27, 2017 by Jocelynn Smith U.S. Economy The latest GDP growth figures from the Commerce Department have a number of traders adopting a wait-and-see approach. But are they poised to miss out on the next big rally?
Farming the Internet of Things (IoT) Farming the Internet of Things (IoT) December 27, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities Few industries are better suited for the IoT than agriculture. The soil data alone can be invaluable. Not surprisingly, big agriculture companies smell opportunity in the wind.
Breaking the American Consumer August 10, 2016 by Jeff Opdyke U.S. Economy Every bit of economic data is dished up for consumption. A one-off snapshot that says nothing about the true state of the U.S. economy … that a consumer-driven downturn on the way.
American Government: Beyond the Big Two American Government: Beyond the Big Two July 13, 2016 by Jeff Opdyke Government & Politics U.S. voters have been led to believe that the only choices we have in government are Republican or Democrat. And yet, neither represents that view of America today. It’s time for something different.
The Debt Problem No One's Talking About The Debt Problem No One’s Talking About May 27, 2016 by Chad Shoop U.S. Economy The financial media talks about massive government and private debt incessantly. But there is one rising debt load that no one is talking about, and it could bring about another market crash.

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