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Don’t Let a Stock Market Shake-Up Ruin Your Portfolio July 25, 2017 Stocks Wall Street isn’t paying much attention to this key data, and that’s going to cause problems all too soon for investors…
Around the World, This Indicator Peaked Last Week July 25, 2017 Global Economy Globalization brings benefits. However, globalization leads to a correlation in stock market movements. Now, there’s nowhere to hide in a bear market.
The Buy-and-Hold Strategy Has Failed You Catastrophically July 24, 2017 Trading Strategies Over the past 17 years, the average annual return for the buy-and-hold strategy is just 4%. What’s worse is this fate could have been avoided...
Three Theories about Russia: Ally, Cold War Adversary, or Enemy #1? July 24, 2017 Uncategorized One year ago, as the crisis in the Ukraine was dying down, Russia was barely on the radar screen of U.S. news outlets. If it appeared prominently in more than one daily news cycle per month, it was unusual. Moreover, few people understood the country, its domestic politics or its foreign policies. Fast forward to […]
Investing In Natural Gas Companies When Prices Drop July 21, 2017 Hard Commodities As I discussed back in April, our opportunity was to short natural gas by owning consumers that rely on natural gas for fuel. Turns out, my thesis works.