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My tools tell me 2018 could be a challenging stock market environment. Here's exactly how to invest your money in 2018 according to my analysis. How to Invest Your Money in 2018 November 29, 2017 by Michael Carr Investing, Stocks My tools tell me 2018 could be a challenging stock market environment. Here's exactly how to invest your money in 2018 according to my analysis.
Cybersecurity is about to become an even bigger consideration for nearly every firm that handles investment dollars for clients… Fans of Cybersecurity Investing: Investment Agencies & Retirement Funds November 28, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities Cybersecurity is about to become an even bigger consideration for nearly every firm that handles investment dollars for clients…
From 2000 through 2010, U.S. exports of refined oil products grew by nearly 160%. But according to the data, we export nearly five times that much now. This U.S. Oil Sector Is Booming November 28, 2017 by Matt Badiali Oil From 2000 through 2010, U.S. exports of refined oil products grew by nearly 160%. But according to the data, we export nearly five times that much now.
Trade Alert: Running Out of Gas – Buy UGA Put Options November 28, 2017 by Optin Natural Resource Options Alert It’s not so much that we’re running out of gasoline as it is that gasoline is running out of gas. I mean, the price of gasoline is out of energy. Out of steam. Errrr – I think it’s exhausted. And gasoline bulls are exhausted too. Not since January have large speculative traders in the futures […]
Watch for Signs of a Deepening Credit Crunch in 2018! November 28, 2017 by Optin E-Wave Trader As we close in on year-end 2017, it’s worth looking ahead at some of the potential pitfalls that could impact markets in the new year. Right at the very top of the list? The tightening credit conditions around the world. Back in September I briefed you about “the end of easy money” globally. And how […]

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