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Latest Insights on AAPL

I can’t believe that I — the guy making financial memes— had to be the one to sound the warning, but that’s where we are in this market. Apple Is the Canary; Buffett Goes Kroger-ing
by Joseph Hargett February 18, 2020 Great Stuff
COVID-19: Greater Than Just Apple Oh man … what a weekend! (There ain’t no party like a Presidents Day party. Am I right?) But it wasn’t all George-cherry Jell-O shots and Abe appletinis… In this midst of consuming my executive branch libations, I was struck with a thought: What would it take for Wall Street […]
Dividends are boring. Reinvesting those dividends, well ... that’s twice as boring. But once you see it, you’ll never look at investing the same way again. Yikes! Most Apple Investors Made a Big Mistake Investors have continued to make mistake after mistake with Apple since the stock started climbing in 2014.
It was supposed to be a beautiful day in the neighborhood, but Wall Street was hoping for a little less “beautiful” on the jobs front. Jobs Amassing, Aurora’s Crashing, Uber’s Dashing
by Joseph Hargett February 7, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “What Do You Mean, No Rate Cut?” Edition (Did a friend forward you this email? If so, you owe them big-time! Seriously, this is Great Stuff. We don’t take that title lightly. After you’ve thanked your friend profusely, why not sign up for yourself today? It’s mostly painless. I promise.) I […]
If you don’t think the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak will impact the U.S. economy, I’ve got some bad news for you. The Chinese Time Bomb; Tesla Tendies Time
by Joseph Hargett February 4, 2020 Great Stuff
The Ticking Chinese Time Bomb Sorry to ruin your bull market party, but there’s an issue we need to discuss … like, right now. I’m talking about the Wuhan coronavirus and the U.S.-China “phase 1” trade deal. Here’s the thing: More than 20,000 Chinese are infected with the Wuhan virus, with some 427 dead. Tens […]
It’s time for Ford and General Motors to step up. Tesla’s on the verge of being the only relevant publicly traded American automaker. Tesla’s Cash Flows; Verizon’s Crossroads; Facebook Erodes
by Joseph Hargett January 30, 2020 Great Stuff
Tesla to Bears: Eat My Shorts Do we have any Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA) bears reading today? I know you’re out there. You write in to Great Stuff every time I say something positive about the company. Well, get your emails ready. Today, Tesla’s taking a victory lap … and I’m saying: “I told you […]

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